Reasons You Should Travel NOW

Last week we talked about why you should never travel, (if you haven’t read it click here) but this week we are discussing why you should. Traveling is more than just opportunities to take really cool photos. It is a chance to improve your spiritual health. If you are asking yourself, “How will travel improve my spiritual health?” then this is the article for you!

Travel to learn and understand that you are connected

”Not the ones speaking the same language, but the ones sharing the same feeling, understand each other.” -Rumi. Trust yourself and your spirit and recognize that others are also doing the same. You will start to see the true beauty come alive in the connectedness of the world.

Travel to realize a child’s laugh is beautiful is every language

It’s true I promise. And speaking of children and childish things, ask different cultures animals sounds. Like what does a cow say, or a pig. It leads to hilarious results.

Travel to learn how important understanding others is

It is easy to fear something we don’t understand. We are quick to distrust and believe everything we see on TV and the news, however you really can see an embrace a culture when you travel there and learn more about them. Make a culture real but attaching really faces and people to this place and you will start to understand the culture better.

Travel to discover that people are good and bad in every place

We always try to create absolutes, this is good and this is bad but the true is absolutes are very rare in this beautiful thing called life. Just like culture it is important to realize that there are good and bad people in every culture.

Travel to realize that your culture isn’t the best it is just different

One of the most beautiful aspect of traveling is to develop a deeper sense of self and your own culture. A lot of time we can be very ethnocentric and believe that our culture is best but that isn’t the case. Cultures are just different, some have different practices and if you give culture the time it needs you can realize there is a lot of learn from each new culture you experience.

Travel to Live

Now is your moment. Go get it.

Why do YOU travel? Comment and let us know below!!

1 comment

  1. Morning dear Aaron & Emily!!!
    So reading this immediately reminded me of the day my 9-y-old Austrian ‘brother’ Walter remarked “Mary doesn’t laugh in English!” This was in September, 1972!
    …outta the mouths of babes…there are for certain, many things which are internationally the same!!! You are blessed to discover this in your twenties!!! May it serve you all your lives!!!
    …so dear hearts…see you in 74 days!!!!👋😉🇺🇦👏🤘👋♥️👋👋👋

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