Cheapest Cities in Europe to Visit

When most people write about cheap European travel, they usually tend to leave out most of Eastern Europe. That is a terrible mistake to make, because this region houses some of the cheapest cities in Europe. Infograph of Cheapest European Cities


We are currently living in Ukraine about four hours from Kiev (the cheapest European city to visit).  For those of you who do not know how to convert pounds to dollars, 15 pounds is roughly 20 dollars. So in Kiev according to this chart, it will cost you about $20 a day, which is a steal! But it gets better, we never go to Kiev because it is too expensive  for us compared to our town! In Ukraine outside of Kiev, Lviv, and Ivano Frankivsk you could easily live on $10-15 a day.

While most of Eastern Europe still isn’t as cheap as Ukraine, it is definitely not to be overlooked! Make sure to check back here often as we will soon be posting the best and cheapest options for Eastern Europe travel and beyond!

Do you know of an overlooked country that is cheap to visit? Let us know in the comments, and make sure to share the post and like us on Facebook!